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Metal Framework

High Quality Alloys for Stability and Strength

As a leading removable and fixed dental laboratory in the Southeast, our experts stay up to date on new materials and stand behind the classics, including a full range of certified alloys. Both porcelain fused to metal (PFM) restorations and full-cast metal crowns are tried-and-true solutions that offer patients strength and durability. Whichever option you choose, Mountain Dental Lab will collaborate with you and deliver a restoration with the exceptional craftsmanship and quality your patient deserves.

Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM)

PFM crowns are a classic choice for low-clearance posterior applications or large-span bridges. Mountain Dental Lab offers the following alloy options:

  • White Non-Precious
  • White Noble
  • White High-Noble
  • Yellow High-Noble

To determine which alloy is right for your patient (especially if they have metal allergies), download our PFM Alloy Element Guide.

Full-Cast Metal

Mountain Dental Lab offers superior full-cast metal crowns, using the following alloy options:

  • White Non-Precious
  • Yellow Non-Precious
  • White Noble
  • Yellow Noble
  • White High-Noble
  • Yellow High-Noble

To determine which alloy is right for your patient (especially if they have metal allergies), download our FCC Alloy Element Guide.

Mountain Dental Lab
Mountain Dental Lab
Mountain Dental Lab